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Industry 4.0 Roadmap

The Challenge
Organizations need to balance their maturity improvement initiatives with investments, to ensure that they get the highest return on investment. In order to do this, it is important for companies to create their Industry 4.0 maturity roadmap wisely, ensuring that the high ROI elements are deployed first, followed by others which consolidate and reinforce the gains made in the earlier steps.
The Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI) was created with this single goal and is designed to help organizations assess their current maturity and compare it with Industry Best and Industry Average in their own industry vertical.
The SIRI Maturity model was created by the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB), in collaboration with McKinsey & Co., SAP, Siemens, Fraunhofer Institute Germany, and TÜV SÜD Singapore.
The Approach
ATOM takes a Four-part approach to Industry 4.0 Consulting and provides services for each part separately.
We use the SIRI LEAD Framework, which includes Learning about Industry 4.0, Evaluating the current maturity, architecting a solution, and delivering the solution

Step 1: Learn – Build a common understanding
Industry 4.0 initiatives are high value, high cost, and long-term, and it is important for organizations to understand the basic concepts and have a common vocabulary.
We conduct Industry 4.0 workshops for our customer teams, to help them understand the concepts and the potential of various Principles, Components, Technologies that are part of Industry 4.0.
Step 2: Evaluate – Understand the current situation
Every organization is different. Even within the same industry vertical, while having the same end goal, organizations will have drastically different current maturities, priorities, and budgets. This is
more valid for industries in different geographical regions. To ensure that correct Industry 4.0 solutions are deployed, and in the correct sequence, it is important to assess the current maturity of the organization.
This is done by making a SIRI Assessment of the company, which results in an Official SIRI Assessment (OSA) Report. This report provides an evaluation of the organization on 16 SIRI dimensions, a comparison with industry peers, and with best-in-class organizations. More importantly, it provides a prioritized list of top 4 dimensions that a company needs to improve. This becomes the foundation of all future planning, ensuring that the roadmap is in line with a specific organization’s financial, technological, and cultural profile.

Step 3: Architect – Creating an Industry 4.0 Roadmap
Our consultants have over 30 years of experience in deploying manufacturing IT solutions in a wide range of industry verticals and have a keen understanding of which solution have an impact on which SIRI dimension. We use this knowledge to understand the organization dimensions that need to be improved, and then recommend solutions with the highest impact on those dimensions.

Step 4: Deliver – FEED Consulting
Once the high-impact solutions have been identified, the process of deploying them can begin. ATOM provides consulting services in the early part of this process called FEED – Front End Engineering and Design.
The process consists of the following steps.
- Define the needs of the organization, and expected outcome from the program
- Understand the state-of-the-art technologies and architectures available in the market, that map on to the needs of the organization.
- Technology selection, to shortlist technologies and architectures that best align with the needs of the organization
- Write a detailed User Requirements Specification (URS) and Request for Proposal (RFP) documenting all the above, in sufficient detail, such that a vendor is able to understand the exact requirements, come up with a correct effort estimate, and provide an accurate technical and commercial proposal.
- Identify vendors who will be able to provide the right solution and send the RFP to them.
- Make an objective evaluation of all the RFP responses received and make a recommendation for the most vendor for the identified solution.
Once the vendor is identified, the project is driven by the customer projects team working with the vendor. ATOM may optionally be invited to be part of the project to ensure that the identified value is delivered to the organization by interfacing with the vendor and supporting internal change management initiatives.

Email: siri@atom-innovation.com