ATOM creates 3D design with parallel validation and optimization processes using 3D Finite Element Analysis (FEA). If CFD or Motion study was conducted, resultant loads can be automatically defined inside FEA study.

ATOM integrates the validation into the early design phase. By doing so, it is possible to identify design problems earlier in the process, and thus reduce the risk of failures. Also, this will allow our design team to test different scenarios before confirming one design solution.

ATOM highly qualified team  has a deep knowledge to conduct the FEA using the suitable failure criteria for different material and mesh types based on the application:

  • Solid mesh
  • Sheet Metal (Shell)
  • Composite material (Fiber)
  • Composite materials (Sandwich panel)
  • Structures (Beams)
  • Mixed mesh

Before  starting the study,  ATOM team follows these steps:

  • Simplifies the model and defines its material.
  • Defines the contacts between parts as in the reality.
  • Add connections (like bolts) if applicable.

then,  ATOM team starts meshing the part carefully and applies the loads, fixtures and failure criteria.

  • Strength verification of assembly/component
  • Deflection (Deformation) verification (Angular & Dimensional)
  • Component shape/weight optimization
  • Safety of Factor verification
  • Connections verification

ATOM provides a comprehensive third-party report including the following information:

  1. Material grade and its mechanical properties,
  2. Failure criteria,
  3. Applied Loads, assigned fixtures, contacts,
  4. Mesh information,
  5. Connection Details,
  6. Study results and analysis,
  7. Safety factor

Moreover, ATOM can provide  animation videos showing the deflection behavior of the model.